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Nature s plus verde

Listado top ventas nature s plus verde

  • ✅ TRATAMIENTO HIDRATANTE ANTI-EDAD - El ácido hialurónico natural proporciona a la piel una profunda hidratación
  • ✅ ÁCIDO HIALURÓNICO IMPRESCINDIBLE - El ácido hialurónico natural proporciona a la piel una hidratación profunda y duradera y atenúa las arrugas desde el interior
  • ✅ REFRESCANTE Y DE TRATAMIENTO INTENSIVO - El aloe vera biológico y el té verde proporcionan una sensación de frescura duradera y una buena hidratación
  • ✅ ENCANTADORA FRAGANCIA - La madera natural y los componentes cítricos ya juegan con nuestros sentidos durante la aplicación
  • ✅ GARANTÍA DE DEVOLUCIÓN DE DINERO - Si el suero de ácido hialurónico de Mother Nature no le convence, póngase en contacto con nosotros - estamos seguros de que encontraremos una solución. (Puede consultar las condiciones de contratación de acuerdo con las condiciones generales de contratación del vendedor a través del perfil del vendedor en "Términos y condiciones y ayuda")
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  • Potencia la energía y refuerza la inmunidad
  • Con Beta-caroteno, Luteína y Licopeno
  • No contiene colorantes, aromatizantes o edulcorantes artificiales. No contiene conservantes
  • No contiene leche, lactosa, soja, trigo, levadura, pescado, porcino
  • Apto para vegetarianos. Sin gluten. Sin sal añadida
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  • Perlas de lecitina de soja con una riqueza del 58-60% en fosfolípidos
  • Obtenida de habas de soja no-OMG
  • Acción emulgente de las grasas, tercera edad, épocas de estudios
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  • KidGreenz súper complejo incluye brócoli, espinacas, espirulina, chlorella, algas, acelerantes de crecimiento flora láctica
  • Con brócoli, espinaca y otros alimentos verdes
  • Hipoalergénico
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  • Aporta nutrientes para un óptimo cuidado del cabello desde el interior
  • Fórmula nutricional con cola de caballo, biotina y zinc
  • Para hombre y mujer
  • facil de usar
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  • Multinutriente con Hierro
  • Complemento de hierro con vitaminas B2,B6, B12, ácido fólico y Bioperine
  • Comprimidos de liberación sostenida para una óptima absorción
  • Número de modelo del producto: E8853371
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  • Seguras para pieles sensibles - ideales para limpiar la delicada piel de tu bebé, WaterWipes son toallitas para bebé tan suaves que pueden ser usadas en la piel de bebés prematuros; aprobadas por la asociación de alergias del Reino Unido, Allergy UK
  • Recomendadas por parteras/matronas (97% parteras/matronas recomiendan usar algodón y agua o WaterWipes - Spark research study on 102 Midwives, October - November 2014)
  • WaterWipes son las toallitas adecuadas para pieles sensibles de bebés, niños o adultos, una buena alternativa al algodón y al agua
  • Contiene 99.9% agua y una gota de extracto de fruta; el extracto de fruta actúa como un acondicionador natural de la piel
  • Toallitas multiusos: limpiezas de las manos y cara de tu bebe cuando están en etapa de destete y nuevos dientes, además puede ser usado en adultos con pieles sensibles, adultos mayores y mascotas; 12 paquetes de 60 toallitas sin aroma hacen más fácil llevar tus WaterWipes cuando estas viajando
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  • ⭐DETOX CLEANSER, DESINTOXICA Y DEPURA TU ORGANISMO MEJORANDO LA DIGESTIÓN: Gracias a Ingredientes de Origen Natural como el Grosellero Negro, la Pilosella o el Guaraná y su Óptima Combinación, el Complemento Detox favorece la Digestión, Limpiando y Mejorando el Tránsito Intestinal, el Colon y el Hígado, Eliminando las Toxinas acumuladas dentro del Organismo.
  • ?IDEAL PARA LA PÉRDIDA DE PESO, POTENTE DIURÉTICO, DRENANTE Y ANTOXIDANTE: El Suplemento Detox cuenta con ingredientes como el Té Verde, el Ortosifón, la Hierba Mate, el Diente de León o la Papaya rica en Vitamina C y A, actúan en sinergia para potenciar el efecto adelgazante, la eliminación de los líquidos acumulados en el organismo y Antioxidante.
  • ⚡POTENTE, DE RÁPIDA ASIMILACIÓN, LIBRE DE GLUTEN Y LACTOSA: Nuestro Suplemento Detox se presenta como Jarabe Diluible con aroma a frutos del bosque, que a diferencia de los comprimidos, aporta la máxima concentración y pureza, maximizando la absorción de los principios activos y reduciendo la irritación intestinal lo que le permite actuar con mayor eficiencia en la depuración de nuestro organismo, además de contar con un Dosificador.
  • ?CERTIFICADO VEGANO: Complementos 100% Naturales, con certificación VEGANA por la "The Vegetarian Society" Británica. Fabricados en Laboratorios de la CE, cumplen con la estrictas normas y procesos de fabricación ISO 9001, FDA Americana, GMP (Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación). Todos nuestros ingredientes están libres de transgénicos y son "Cruelty Free".
  • ?GARANTÍA DE SATISFACCIÓN: Para N2 Natural Nutrition la satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra razón de ser. Así que si tienes cualquier pregunta o sugerencia, no dudes en contactarnos, nuestro equipo de nutricionistas y expertos estarán felices de ofrecerte la mejor solución lo antes posible.
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  • Crema anti-estrías, estudiada y con eficacia clínicamente probada, que reduce la formación de estrías hasta un 89%
  • Está indicado para la prevención de las estrías del embarazo, adolescentes, por pérdida de peso, deportistas
  • Formulada con Centella Asiática, una planta con acción regenerante y reparadora sobre la piel que ayuda a prevenir la aparición de estrías
  • Gracias a sus ingredientes, este producto anti-estrías actúa manteniendo la piel en condiciones tales que pueda resistir la agresión bioquímica y el estiramiento físico. que se produce durante el embarazo o en otras circunstancias, para prevenir la aparición de las estrías
  • Indicado en cualquier tipo de problema trófico cutáneo
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  • LA ESPIRULINA ECOLÓGICA ALDOUS BIO CONTIENE UN 99% DE SPIRULINA BIO EN CADA COMPRIMIDO, es cultivada en el mejor entorno natural. Con agua de gran pureza y libre de residuos tóxicos procedentes de pesticidas, antibióticos, fertilizantes sintéticos, aditivos y conservantes. El secado que realizamos garantiza la conservación de las excelentes propiedades nutricionales de nuestra alga espirulina orgánica.
  • MUY BENEFICIOSA PARA NUESTRA SALUD - Nuestra espirulina ecologica es un complemento alimenticio que proporciona gran cantidad de proteínas de calidad, vitaminas del grupo B, antioxidantes, minerales, y ácidos grasos esenciales que ayudan a prevenir la fatiga, controlar la diabetes, contribuye a aumentar la masa muscular, y mejoran el rendimiento deportivo, la resistencia física, la salud del cabello y de la piel. También favorece pérdida de peso y el tránsito intestinal. Además, al contener hie
  • FUENTE DE PROTEÍNA VEGETAL DE CALIDAD - La spirulina Aldous Bio contiene en cada comprimido un 99% de espirulina en polvo que proporciona proteína vegetal de altísima calidad. Como el origen de nuestra alga spirulina es 100% natural y ecológico, nuestro organismo la reconoce y asimila en mayor grado sin crear reacciones adversas. Nuestro formato de 500 comprimidos de 500mg facilita y agiliza el consumo durante 165 días.
  • PRODUCTO ÉTICO, SOSTENIBLE, SIN PLÁSTICO Y CON CERTIFICACIÓN ECOLÓGICA OFICIAL POR CAAE - La filosofía Aldous Labs se sustenta sobre la idea de que para fabricar nuestros productos no debemos esquilmar el planeta, ni hipotecar los recursos de generaciones venideras. Por eso solo comercializamos productos ecológicos de calidad. No utilizamos envases fabricados con plástico, y apostamos por un formato de 500 comprimidos para disminuir los envíos y emisiones de CO2.
  • SUPERALIMENTO PARA VEGANOS Y VEGETARIANOS - La Spiruline Bio Aldous es un producto idóneo para complementar dietas veganas o vegetariana porque no contiene gelatina animal, gluten, leche, lactosa ni ingeniería genética. Todos nuestros productos son orgánicos, son respetuosos con el medio ambiente, son producidos honestamente sin utilizar ingredientes de origen animal, y son económicamente sostenibles
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Otros Otros Nature's Plus Compejo B - B-Complex - 90 Comprimidos Nature's Plus B-Complex es una asociación de vitaminas del grupo B, especialmente formulado sobre una base de arroz integral, fuente natural de este grupo de vitaminas. Las dosis a las que se encuentran las vitaminas en este suplemento son moderadas, pero son equilibradas y favorecen una actuación sinérgica entre ellas, de manera que favorecen la correcta asimilación de los nutrientes aportados por los alimentos. También contiene importantes niveles de inositol y de colina, importantes nutrientes para el cerebro Marca: Contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33
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DescriptionNaturesPlus® Immune Boost delivers key nutrients to support overall immune system health, maintenance of mucous membranes and support against oxidative stress. It provides robust immune support with high-potency vitamins and minerals along with N-acetyl-cysteine.
51,54 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Natural Inspired Leaf moss agate ring set cluster emerald aquatic agate engagement ring women unique green stone wedding ring set for her Every moss agate is natural and no two moss agate stones are the same, making each one unique. please be reminded that it is normal for the finished ring to look a little different from our pictures. Each people have their own idea about the beauty of moss agate, I provide SELECT MOSS AGATE STONE SERVICE: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1260655702/pick-your-special-moss-agate?click_key=cccb25b540cbcb04882377535e15bc926b3765e7%3A1260655702&click_sum=f0defebd&ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1&sts=1 ≫≫ Item Details ❀❀❀ Make every ring to order, all rings are handmade in the United States. ❀❀❀ Metal: Solid 10K & 14K & 18K Gold ❀❀❀ Gold Color: Rose gold, Yellow gold, White gold ➽ Center Stone ❀❀❀6x8mm oval cut Natural green moss agate ➽ Accent Stone:lab created emerald The band width is about 1.4mm Matching band: ❀❀❀ lab created emerald The band width is about 1.4mm Same setting with alexandrite: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1254450755/nature-inspired-leaf-alexandrite-ring?click_key=a812feb5ebf026ad02fb73169ebd419e7026fa64%3A1254450755&click_sum=4eee301a&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_4&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with star sapphire: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1366449829/natural-inspired-leaf-star-sapphire-ring?click_key=5148ff486edbbe9d4e0244c9807deac8cd7960eb%3A1366449829&click_sum=4ec67874&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_2&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with emerald: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1252789256/nature-inspired-leaf-emerald-wedding?click_key=be369ac6feaf6aeb74a8a77a5b5e01db21f5d662%3A1252789256&click_sum=8f08c20a&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_5&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with blue sandstone: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1335671582/nature-inspired-galaxy-blue-sandstone?click_key=edd10a4108b508f1ae58ffc63f15ad1f4b909428%3A1335671582&click_sum=23236c58&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_6&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with opal: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1260124276/nature-inspired-opal-engagement-ring-set?click_key=b89717f9a2005ba8df582a5fdc4ff01d673cfe79%3A1260124276&click_sum=09ac33e0&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_9&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with garnet: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1306969598/natural-inspired-leaf-garnet-ring-set?click_key=3f1576ea2e56fcfcdbbeab6442887a1ee413896c%3A1306969598&click_sum=297435bd&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_16&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 Same setting with blue sapphire: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1270738891/vintage-blue-sapphire-wedding-ring-set?click_key=1e437639786eea5b9cef7b5950c45b7ccd93735e%3A1270738891&click_sum=2572adab&ga_search_query=inspired&ref=shop_items_search_35&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 ➽THE BEST QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP: All rings for women at Yridesign are made only with the best quality craftsmanship that passes the test of time. From working with traditional goldsmithery to using cutting edge technology, our artisans put only love, dedication and craftsmanship into each and every piece they create, including this state-of-the-art opal ring. The perfect ring for elegant, classy, chic looks. ➽OCCASION: Surprise your loved one with this beautiful engagement ring by Yridesign. A classic piece of jewelry for all women in your life, this pal ring is a perfect gift for any occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, Valentine’s Day or Christmas. Plus, this ring comes in an elegant gift box. ➽Processing Time *Handmade jewelry normally needs 2-4 weeks to finish,For some special one it may need 1-2 months. Rush order available,you can ask me make your jewelry in rush if needed,it may take 7-10 business days to finish. https://www.etsy.com/listing/764040943/extra-cost-for-rush-order?ref=shop_home_active_3&frs=1 ➽Payment Plans: Yes I accept payment plans. It can be a weekly or monthly payment plan. The minimum per payment will be $150. Once the final payment is made, your jewelry will be shipped out.contact me anytime if you need this service. ➽Return Police: We offer 30 day money back guarantee! (For returns, as this is handmade jewelry, hand and shipping fees will be deducted and the rest will be refunded shortly.) Have any questions? Please Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Back to Home Page: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Yridesign.
13.459 €
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Nature's white vanilla shower gel é um sabonete líquido de baunilha branca. a pele acorda fresca e aveludada graças à ação delicada dos tensoativos de coco verde e milho contidos que respeitam o equilíbrio da pele, enquanto o extrato de flor de lótus dá tonicidade à pele.é aconselhável despejar o produto na mão, misturar com água, massagear suavemente no corpo e enxaguar.armazenar em local fresco e seco.
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A hematita eau de toilette da nature's é um perfume com um caráter sóbrio, refinado e decididamente masculino, projetado para um homem concreto, viajante, mas ligado às suas raízes. traz uma agradável sensação de frescura e bem-estar. este perfume abre com notas cítricas e frescas com um caráter mediterrâneo, depois se consolida com tons de verde e florido e, finalmente, define-se com as notas amadeiradas do cedro americano e patchouly, sustentadas pela essência de vetiver e pelas lágrimas de benjoim de siam.
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Tops y Camisetas Premier Coolchecker Plus en color Verde. Tallas disponibles: EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU XS
23,14 €
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Guantes Portwest A812 Nitrosafe Plus en color Verde. Tallas disponibles: EU XXL,EU S,EU M,EU L,EU XL,EU XS
11,39 €
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Chaqueta K-Way Chaqueta Jake Eco Plus Reversible Hombre Green/Blue en color Verde. Tallas disponibles: US M,US S,US XL,US XXL
200 €
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Características Champú de lavado frecuente apto para todo tipo de cabellos formulado con cosméticos ecológicos. Contiene manzana verde y aceite de camelia. Ejerce una acción antienvejecimiento y da brillo. Sin Parabenos ni S.L.S.
5,69 €
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Estilo: deportes Espesor: general Longitud: pantalones Estilo superior: abrigo Longitud de la manga superior: manga larga Ya sea con capucha: con capucha temporada adecuada: invierno Adecuado para: ciudad de la moda Nombre de la tela: algodón Composición principal de la tela: algodón El contenido de los ingredientes principales de la tela: 65% Escena aplicable: ocio Color: blanco, rojo, gris, negro, verde militar, azul Tamaño: M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, 4XL, 5XL
23,95 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
HOW TO CHOOSE - please first select MATERIAL /colour from drop down menu and only then STYLE or SET. OUR NEW PATENTED Extra long soft soft HEATLESS CURLER !???? Curler is one size - you can choose two different size scrunchies -M or S! With super soft padding that is so comfy to sleep on (watch out from hard tube stuffed curlers that are even hard to bend;)) Also our curler is round shape so it does make round curls not flat;) ????MATERIALS: 1. Pure Mulberry silk - 2. Silky satin or vegan silk. ????STYLE: ????CURLER ONLY = curler. no scrunchie and hair clip. ???? Curler+ HAIR CLIP = curler. no scrunchie ????Curler+S scrunchie = curler + 2 x S size scrunchies (only available with silk curler and black satin) NO hair clip. ????Curler+M scrunchie = curler + 2x M size scrunchies,NO hair clip. ????FULL SET S scrunchie= curler + 2x S size scrunchies + hair clip (only available with silk curler). ????FULL SET M scrunchie=curler + 2x M size scrunchies + hair clip. FILLING: SOFT COTTON-as soft as your pillow, so easy to sleep on! ???? You can choose from two different scrunchie sizes S or M size scrunchies or CURLER ONLY, then pls choose scrunchie option - NO scrunchie! If you select CURLER ONLY - it is only curling ribbon with no scrunchies so you can use it with your own scrunchies ! You can add claw clip at the check out menu while selecting scrunchies;) EU handmade from highest quality vegan silk satin heatless curler and scrunchies! The set can be used on a variety of different hair length. LARGE And LONG CURLER The Curling Ribbon is approximately 180 cm /70" long and 3,5 inch/ 9 cm wide and Makes perfect larger curls, perfect for long hair ! ???? HOW TO USE: For best results use on dry hair. Use after your hair wash and the best results can be achieved if you leave it in your hair overnight Brush and part your hair into two sections down the middle. Place tube on top of head. You can use a hair clip to stabilize the fit of curling ribbon at the top of your hair. Start on one side and take small sections of hair and wrap around curling tube. Continue to grab small sections of hair as you move down the tube and wrap around until you reach the end of the tube. Tie the ends with a hair scrunchies. To avoid kinks in the end of the hair do not tie your hair too tight Repeat on the other side and when the hair are tightened with scrunchies, cross the ribbon at the back of your head and tie up the end ribbon at the top of your head! If you want tighter curls, simply wrap your hair around the ribbon tightly. If you want looser beach curls, wrap your hair around the ribbon a little looser ???? HAIR SCRUNCHIE: - Delicate fabric to prevent hair breakage. - Ties around hair 1-3 times depending on hair thickness. - Can be worn as an accessory on the wrist ???? FEATURES: ????protect hair from breakages and heat damage ????preserve hair shine and strength. ????gentle on hair and prevent creases.. ???? SCRUNCHIES SIZES: S: 2 cm wide / 0.8 inch M:4.5 cm wide 1.2 inch. Satin curler set comes only with M size scrunchies ! ???? MATERALS:. OEKO-TEX® certified eco silk or vegan silk or satin OCASION: -Every day use for better hair health and feel. -Weddings, bridal parties. -Fantastic gift for birthday, graduation day, anniversary, Christmas, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s day or just a surprise gift for your girlfriend. -You can also Match them with our store face masks, please see last image -Pure Mulberry Silk Scrunchies make perfect gifts for all sorts of occasions including birthdays, weddings (brides, bridesmaids, flower girls) and seasonal celebrations Individually handmade from highest quality 16 momme Mulberry silk, with high end finishing. Please see options at the checkout. Gift packaging is available! ???? CARE: hand was only with silk detergent or delicate detergent, don’t squeeze, flat dry! Please don't use any oils before using Silk products, they are very delicate nature and any product can leave stains. Steam iron from distance with setting for silk. RETURNS: Please Note: This item can't be returned due hygiene and Covid 19 protocol reasons Thank you for visit and have A happy and healthy curling! NEWSLETTER: Sign up for KOBAYASHI DESIGN newsletter! Plus, you’ll receive a one-time coupon code you can use here on Etsy for eligible orders from our shop. Subscribe here: https://ej.uz/2hqz © 2021 KOBAYASHI DESIGN All photography, text, content, designs, patterns contained within KOBAYASHI DESIGN listings and overall shop are the intellectual property of KOBAYASHI DESIGN. Therefore, this shop and any of its contents may not be copied, translated or distributed in any manner (electronic, web or printed) without the prior written consent of KOBAYASHI DESIGN. We actively seek out copyright violations on the Internet and in Print and will use legal force to deal with any copyright infringements. NEWSLETTER: Sign up for KOBAYASHI DESIGN newsletter! Plus, you’ll receive a one-time coupon code you can use here on Etsy for eligible orders from our shop. Subscribe here: https://ej.uz/2hqz | Hair Trends | Hair Accessories | Accessories | Designer | Fashionable | Fashion Addict | Fashion Blog | Hairstyle | Insta Style | Hair Jewelry | Lookbook | Lookoftheday | Street Fashion | Style Blogger | Trendy| Trend Alert| Jewelrygram | Jewelry Addict | Haircare | Chic Attire | Hair Clips | Barrettes | Hair Obsessed | Hairpins | Headbands | Turbans | Bows | Hair Accessories For Sale | Hair Accessories For Women | thick hair scrunchie | skinny scrunchy | | silk fabric | mulberry silk | hair accessory | hair accessories | wedding accessories | 100% Pure Silk | Fun Hair Accessories | Girly Hair tie | Summer Hair | Beach hair | Silk hair elastics | Hair Elastic | High quality hair elastic | Ponytail Hair tie | Hairbands for women | Hairbands | Skinny Silk Hair Elastic | Wrist candy | Silk bracelet | Best hair tie for hair | Best Selling Hair Tie | Best Hair Accessories 2021 | Heatless Curler | Heatless Curls | Heatless Curls Tiktok | Heatless Curling Rod | Pure Silk Curls | Viral Heatless Curls | Heatless Curling Ribbon | Silk Satin Curling Ribbon | Foam Heatless Curls | Damage Free Curls | Satin Heatless Rollers | Hair Rollers | Sleep Curls | Sleeping Hair Curler | Fast Heatless Curls | Bouncy Hair | Healthy Curls | Big Bouncy Curls | Heatless Curls Products | Curl Hair Without Heat | Best Selling Hair Accessories | Healthy Hair| Hair Barrettes | Trending | Bows Bows Bows | Bow | Hair Comb | Wedding Jewelry | Wedding Accessories | Hair Flowers | Flower Headband | Woman In Biz | Handmade Hair Accessories | Boho Style | Gifts For Her | Womens Hair Care | Womens Hair Accessories | Scrunchie Scrunchy | Scrunchie Squad | Kids Fashion | Love | Handmade Scrunchies | Scrunchie Gang | Hairstyles || Etsy Shop | Hair Care | Hair Designs | Wonder Hair | Hair Props | Hair Pins| Silk Scrunchie | Ponytail | Scrunchies | Handmade | Shop Small | Kids Fashion | Scrunchies Are Back | Support Small Businesses | Business Feature | Scrunchies For Sale | Scrunchie Love | Insta Kid | Scrunchie Collection | Collectable Scrunchies | Shop Local | Brand Rep Search | Bling | Working Girls | Bows Before Bros | Bow Of The Day | All About The Bows | Support Small Local Businesses |Sparkly Scrunchies | Beads | Bow Cute | heatless curls | wedding gift| bachelorette gift|Scrunchie Life | Heatless curler | curling ribbon| curly hair |
2.530 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
A really stunning vintage handmade brass bag inlaid with mother of pearl and antique ornate detailing that is so intricate and unique making this bag a really special statement accessory. The bag has different recycled pearl button pieces and brass detailing on the front side and back of the bag (as shown in the photos) so you can actually wear it showing off the detailing of your choice. The bag comes with a long brass chain so it can be worn as a shoulder bag, but you can also tuck the chain into the bag and it still will clasp shut making it also a clutch bag perfect for evenings. The inside of the bag has soft black lining and the fastening is so strong that the bag will not open unless you want it to. The colour of the bag is golden antique brass with mother of pearl and some black detailing. Mother of pearl is a white stone that glistens in the moonlight with a grey pearlescent sheen. It is known to be a protective stone that brings harmony and creates a balance of emotions. It soothes fear as well as gives clarity in decision making and stimulates intuition. The bag is handmade and you can see the work that has been put into it. Because of its handmade nature there will be some imperfections that add to the unique beauty of the bag. This bag is a giant piece of jewellery made by Indian craftsmanship and it is so unique it really is a special statement piece for your accessory collection that is truly a piece of wearable art. The bag arrives to you gift wrapped, presented in a lovely black gift box with a ribbon tab ready to be received as a present. The bag is now available in a larger size for the iphone plus and X size ranges or if you want to fit more in your purse. Bag Measurements: Approximately 21cm x 14.5cm Chain Length: 108 cm in total (when worn the bag reaches between your hip and thigh). - Please Note: When ordering multiple items, I may present all jewellery items in one box unless you request otherwise. If you have any special requirements please contact me and I will be more than happy to help! SHIPPING: ✰ All jewellery has one fixed shipping cost; when buying multiple items, the additional items you buy do not incur an additional charge. ✰ UK CUSTOMERS: Royal Mail 1st Class Signed for. ➤ Delivery for my jewellery is sent through Royal Mail 1st Class Signed for Mail to the United Kingdom and takes 1 - 2 working days once the item has been dispatched. INTERNATIONAL PARCELS are shipped by the method you choose at checkout. Both methods take APPROXIMATELY 3-5 WORKING DAYS to reach destinations in Europe once dispatched & approximately 7-10 WORKING DAYS (once dispatched) to reach destinations outside of Europe and the UK. ➤ Royal Mail International Standard delivery which DOES NOT PROVIDE TRACKING INFORMATION therefore you cannot track the whereabouts of your parcel and I cannot be held responsible if there is a problem with the arrival of your parcel. Or (when upgraded at checkout) ➤ Royal Mail International Tracked and Signed which provides all customers with TRACKING INFORMATION therefore you can track the whereabouts of your parcel throughout its journey. ✰ I highly recommend all International Customer’s to upgrade to this option at checkout as it is the safest option and I can help to locate your package. ✰ ☞ To UPGRADE to Royal Mail International Tracked & Signed for (International Customers) navigate to your Cart at the top right of your page and select a shipping upgrade from the Shipping Options dropdown menu located to the right of your item. ☞ Please read ALL my policies before making your purchase at: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OnlyArtisan/policy MATERIALS USED: ✓ All the brass rings are antique brass and I have polished and protected them so they don't tarnish further than the antiqued finish. ✓ All silver rings are antique sterling silver plated brass. The base metal of the silver rings is brass and I have protected them so that they don't tarnish further after I have antiqued them. ✓ All silver necklace chains are sterling silver of a high quality and the pendants are sterling silver plated brass. ✓All gold/ brass necklace chains are antique gold plated steel of a good quality and the pendants are antique brass. ✓All gemstones are natural unless stated otherwise. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jewellery Care: ☞ Due to the handmade nature of my jewellery and precious stones, all items will vary slightly as all the stones aren't all exactly identical. ☞ I have protected all my jewellery but please ensure to remove jewellery when in contact with water so that your items remain to the best possible quality. ☞ My Jewellery is all handmade and delicate so please remove jewellery when going to sleep as well. Please note that whilst I do my best to photograph all my jewellery true to life, the colour may not be exactly what is shown in the picture due to different monitors and light but the stone colours are all described above. Please note: ▻ I do not refund or exchange earrings due to hygiene reasons. ▻ Custom items and sale items are also non-refundable ☞ To continue shopping my entire collection: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OnlyArtisan ✰ Elsewhere for Flash Sales & Discount Codes: ✰ Instagram @only_artisan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onlyartisan Official Website: www.onlyartisan.com Thank you so much! Please message me if you have any questions.
11.584 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Opulent, Tropical, and Luminous are a few words describing this stunning tungsten ring. Cleverly crafted and grounded in earth elements, this 18K rose gold wedding band speaks to your unique style and personality! The comfort fit wedding ring exudes tropical vibes with flawlessly inlaid mother of pearl and koa wood with perfectly polished rose gold edges and interior. Sustainably sourced, Eco-friendly, and absolutely stunning in person. For the modern couple who desires a ring that breaks free from the mundane, this exotic 3 layer inlay tungsten ring checks all of the boxes. The lustrous mother of pearl is encased within the dual layers of Koa wood and rose gold that makes the ring impossible to ignore! The iridescent mother of pearl delivers a striking look in the sun and really makes the tungsten ring pop with color. Historically, feng shui experts believe mother of pearl symbolizes wealth. It attracts a wealth of love, prosperity, and harmonious well being. It's been known to protect, sooth, and stimulate your intuition. The unique combination of earth elements and what is symbolizes makes this a perfect choice for a wedding band, promise ring, or anniversary ring. Hawaiian Koa wood has a pristine reputation for it's natural high quality texture and brilliant grain patterns. The wood is derived from trees in Hawaii and the term “Koa” translates to bold, fearless, and warrior. It has ancient significance in Hawaiian culture being used in everything from ukuleles to surf boards and now in the modern age - your ring! The warm grain pattern of the koa wood really makes the mother of pearl inlay stand out. The 3 layer tropical inlays evoke a powerful, unique wedding band that really gives you the "WOW" factor when being worn. Other Pillar Styles customers have noted how shimmering and eye catching it is - especially in the sunshine! The photos don't do this ring justice - it looks even better in person. We are proud of each and every 5 star review and encourage you to read others experiences. The 8mm 18K rose gold tungsten band features durability that’s 1000% harder than gold and 400% harder than titanium. This means it will maintain its beauty and shape forever. The strength of tungsten wedding bands won’t wear thin, smudge, scratch, or degrade to stand the test of time. In addition, this tungsten band is nickel free, cobalt free, and also hypoallergenic! This alternative metal will maintain a permanent shine and is scratch resistant. You won't ever have to worry about removing the ring doing garden work, swimming in the ocean, or showering. Your 8mm koa wood, mother of pearl, and 18K rose gold ring has a proprietary protective coating that shields it from water, dirt, & grime. This service is $55 but is FREE of charge with your order today. Each ring is put through rigorous quality testing before being packaged & shipped to you. Plus, you get FREE Shipping with tracking for your purchase. This unisex ring is the ideal choice to celebrate a wedding, friendship, or milestone and expresses a bond that can’t be broken. Unsure of your size? We'll mail you a FREE ring sizer - just select any size & let us know once you purchase! ✔ Your ring is protected with the extensive Pillar Styles lifetime warranty. Should anything happen to your ring, it will be repaired or replaced. This covers almost everything except the ring being lost or stolen for the duration you own the ring! ✔ The premium tungsten carbide used to craft your ring won't rust, degrade, or turn your finger green - ever! ✔ Free & secure shipping worldwide with tracking and delivery confirmation ✔ Free black ring box that is ready for gift giving to that special someone ✔ Free ring sizer! Select "Unsure - Ring Sizer" when you check out to secure the sale price ✔ Enhanced Comfort Fit sizing allows for slightly extra room on the interior of the ring for a supreme fit We encourage you to read other's experience with Pillar Styles from around the world! Enjoy customer service that is with you before, during, and after creating your treasured 18K rose gold tungsten ring. If you have any additional questions, ring deadlines, or custom ring ideas - send a message and we'll get back to you ASAP. Pillar Styles looks forward to serving you and truly appreciate the opportunity! NOTE: Please note due to demand, some wedding bands and rings sell out quickly or will have limited sizes available. If you see one you love, we suggest purchasing now to guarantee the style & size you need. You won't be disappointed! =) 18K Rose Gold Ring Mens Wedding Band Wood Ring, Mother of Pearl Ring Tungsten Wedding Bands Women Ring, 8mm Koa Wood Ring Mens Nature Ring
27.773 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Welcome To My Etsy Store! I specialize in colorful, bright, funky apparel and accessories. Celebrating girl power for all those Queens out there I Have a large range of Zodiac birthday shirts, featuring all the star signs, all designs are unique and designed by myself. So if you like zodiac, star signs, horoscopes etc, you will love these birthday shirts. They make the perfect gift for any queen! Please read below about the item and if you have any questions please let me know! ✅ Product Description - Cute Color Comfort Relaxed Style TShirts for Women And Men✅ ⚽Color Comfort Colors⚽ ???? Available in sizes up to3XL ???? ???? Garment-dyed fabric. The garment is dyed after it's been constructed, giving it a soft color and texture???? ???? 100% ring-spun cotton Made from specially spun fibers that a make very strong and smooth fabric that is perfect for printing. ???? Comfort Colors introduces its garment-dyed t-shirt; a fully customizable tee made 100% with ring-spun cotton. The soft-washed, garment-dyed fabric brings extra coziness to your wardrobe while the relaxed fit makes it an excellent daily choice. The double-needle stitching throughout the tee makes it highly durable while the lack of side-seams helps the shirt retain its tubular shape. Machine wash: cold (max 30C or 90F); Do not bleach; Tumble dry: low heat; Iron, steam or dry: low heat; Do not dry clean: 100% ringspun cotton.: Medium fabric (6.1 oz/yd² (206.8 g/m²)).: Relaxed Fot.: Tear away label.: Runs true to size ???? PAYMENT ???? We accept Paypal, or you can pay with your credit or debit card through Etsy's own payment gateway. Simply add to basket and follow the instructions. ???? PROCESSING TIME ???? All items are handmade and printed to order, please allow 3-5 business days to prepare, print and pack your item. ????SHIPPING, EXCHANGES AND RETURNS:???? WE PRINT AND SHIP FROM THE USA!! PLEASE ALLOW 5-7 DAYS FOR DELIVERY PLUS PROCESSING TIME. RETURNS- ALL SALES ARE FINAL DUE TO THE CUSTOM NATURE OF THE PRODUCTS, HOWEVER IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES PLEASE EMAIL ME AND I WILL HELP TO SORT OUT ANY ISSUES! ❓If you need ANY assistance just send us a message and we would be glad to help.
3.559 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
wooden ring Engagement Ring personalized wooden gifts for men’s and women’s 5 Year Anniversary.Wood ring are very light and comfortable to wear. The wooden ring is very beautiful minimalist style natural jewelry. It has very interesting form.Materials: The ring is made of walnut and copper and rosewood and copper, Width 6 mm. bent wood technique Wooden handmade ring.Forest surfaces are polished by hand to make them shiny.The forest is protected by a resin layerAbsolutely natural rings are made with great love These wooden rings are made to order in 1-3working days. When ordering, select the size and width of the ring in the options. Any of our beautiful handmade wooden rings are suitable as wedding rings, wedding rings or rings for the 5th wedding anniversary.the small universe in its jewelry, making it a beautiful symbol of virgin power combined with true feelings. Such jewelry will never go out of fashion. Plus, it'll be a great memory to keep forever. It is not just an accessory, but an atmosphere of love and warmthGreat as a gift or mens wedding bands as wellThe ring will look classy on both male and female handsMade to order: after we receive your order we start to make a ring to the specification you gave us.Please note:Due to the nature of the wood as a material, grain and color may vary slightly between rings.That allows them to be truly unique for you.Available in all sizes!(Let me know if you are not sure about your size or if you don't know how to convert it on US scale) Thank you so much for stopping by our store, and please don't hesitate to message us with any questions or concern about our wooden ring. We usually answer in 24 hours!
4.097 €
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