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Galletas chocolate gluten

Listado top ventas galletas chocolate gluten

  • Las mini galletas Dibus Sharkies de Gullón, con forma de tiburón y sabor a chocolate.
  • Estas deliciosas galletas son una fuente de fibra, el mejor desayuno para los más pequeños.
  • No contienen lactosa ni proteínas de leche, tampoco huevo ni frutos secos.
  • Sin aceite de palma. Producto elaborado con aceite de girasol alto oleico.
  • Fabricado por Galletas Gullón.
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  • Puede contener trazas de frutos de cáscara.
  • Elaborado con ingredientes procedentes de agricultura ecológica
  • Certificado gluten free, apto para dietas celiacas
  • Sin aceite de palma
  • Elaboradas con harina de quinoa y pepitas de auténtico chocolate
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  • Puede contener trazas de cacahuetes, soja y otros frutos de cáscara.
  • Elaborado con ingredientes procedentes de agricultura ecológica
  • Certificado gluten free, apto para dietas celiacas
  • Sin aceite de palma
  • Elaboradas con harina de quinoa y rellenas de crema de cacao
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  • Minitabletas de Chocolates Valor es una forma de disfrutar de tu chocolate de siempre
  • Contiene 19 tabletas pequeñas de 9 gr
  • Creado con algunos de los mejores cacaos del mundo
  • El placer adulto más intenso en tamaño Mini para los amantes de los altos porcentajes de cacao.
  • as minitabletas vienen en pack individuales para poder disfrutar de tu chocolate ¡on the go o en casa!
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  • DELICIOSA barra de oblea crujiente recubierta de delicioso chocolate dulce con leche
  • SIN AZÚCAR AÑADIDO, utilizamos edulcorantes a base de plantas que dan a las barras una sensación dulce en la boca, pero tiene un efecto mínimo sobre el nivel de azúcar en la sangre
  • BAJO EN CARBOHIDRATOS contiene sólo 8,3 g carbohidratos netos y 183 kcal
  • LIBRE DE GLUTEN porque el trigo, al ingresar en tu cuerpo, se transforma en azúcar. El trigo y otros "carbohidratos vacíos" hacen que tu nivel de azúcar en la sangre aumente rápidamente
  • APERITIVO PERFECTO para comer sobre la marcha o con café o té! Receta mejorada, más crujiente que nunca y un delicioso sabor a chocolate
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  • Galletas crocant de chocolate vitalday, deliciosas y con todo el sabor a chocolate
  • Elaboradas con copos de avena y con un alto contenido en fibra
  • Date un capricho en cualquier momento del día con las crocant vitalday
  • Sin aceite de palma; producto elaborado con aceite de girasol alto oleico
  • Fabricado en España por galletas gullón
  • Ingredientes: Harina integral (trigo, cebada, centeno) harina de trigo, azúcar, chips de chocolate negro (azúcar, pasta de cacao, manteca de cacao, emulgente (lecitina de soja) aromas) aceite vegetal (girasol alto oleico) arroz inflado (harina de arroz, gluten de trigo, malta de trigo, azúcar, sal, dextrosa) trigo inflado (harina de trigo, azúcar, malta de trigo, almidón de trigo, gasificante (bicarbonato sódico) sal, manteca de cacao, aroma) fibra vegetal, copos de avena, chocolate con leche (azúcar, manteca de cacao, pasta de cacao, leche en polvo, suero de leche en polvo, emulgente (lecitina de soja) aromas) cacao en polvo, gasificantes (carbonato ácido de sodio y carbonato ácido de amonio) aromas, sal
  • Información de alérgenos: Wheat
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  • Minitabletas de Chocolates valor, una nueva forma de disfrutar de tu chocolate de siempre
  • BLEND exclusivo de valor creado por nuestros maestros chocolateros de Valor
  • Creado con algunos de los MEJORES CACAOS DEL MUNDO
  • Para amantes de los altos porcentajes de cacao
  • SIN GLUTEN y Sin Azúcares Añadidos. Apto para celíacos y diabéticos
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  • Galletas libre de gluten y de trigo
  • Aporto calórico de 521 kcal/100 g
  • Puede contener trazas de altramuz
  • Contiene 46% chocolate
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  • Minitabletas de Chocolates valor, una nueva forma de disfrutar de tu chocolate de siempre
  • BLEND exclusivo de valor creado por nuestros maestros chocolateros de Valor
  • Creado con algunos de los MEJORES CACAOS DEL MUNDO
  • Para amantes de los altos porcentajes de cacao
  • SIN GLUTEN. Apto para celíacos.
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  • Sin gluten: aptas para celíacos o personas que desean disminuir la ingesta de gluten en su dieta
  • Sabor delicioso gracias a su cobertura de chocolate negro
  • Ideales para tomar entre horas o tomar on-the-go
  • Sin aceite de palma; producto elaborado con aceite de girasol alto oleico
  • Fabricado en españa por galletas gullón
  • Información de alérgenos: gluten_free
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Galletas Sin Gluten Digestive con Cacao de Santiveri nutritivas y deliciosas galletas digestive de chocolate sin gluten ni lactosa, siendo ideal para intolerantes a la lactosa y celiacos.Están compuestas por maltitol, un edulcorante bajo en calorías, que no provoca caries y tampoco altera los niveles de glucosa en sangre. Su delicioso sabor a chocolate y su aporte de nutrientes beneficiosos para la salud, convierten a estas galletas sin gluten en una magnífica opción para comer en desayunos, meriendas o entre horas.Se recomienda comer como cualquier otra galleta convencional en desayunos, meriendas, almuerzos o entre horas.Puede contener trazas de productos lácteos y frutos de cáscara.
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Galletas sin Gluten Digestive con Naranja de Santiveri son unas galletas saludables con rico sabor a naranja, sin gluten, ya que están elaboradas con aceite de oliva, una estupenda fuente de ácido oleico que ayuda a cuidar el corazón.Se recomienda a gusto del consumidor.
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Las galletas doble zero de Santiveri son unas galletas crujientes sin gluten. No tienen azúcares añadidos ni edulcorantes.Ricas galletas elaboradas con copos de avena. Sin gluten, sin azúcares añadidos ni edulcorantes. Por su bajo contenido en azúcar (solo 2 g por 100 g) y su alto contenido en fibra (21%) son recomendables para toda la familia. Además están elaboradas sin grasa de palma. Crujientes, dulces en su punto justo, un equilibrio perfecto.Para consumir en cualquier momento como una galleta tradicional.Puede contener trazas de soja.Mantener en lugar fresco y seco.
5,88 €
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Galletas Digestive Choc Sin gluten de Schar galleta rica en fibra con fino chocolate con leche.Schär es una marca de productos específicos sin gluten para personas celiacas que ofrece productos variados y recetas y consejos para celiacos o intolerantes al gluten.Puede contener trazas de altramuz.
5,90 €
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Galletas Recubiertas de 3 Chocolates Sugerentes y tentadoras a partes iguales, estas finas y crujientes galletas se elaboran a base de azcar candi para despus ser recubiertas con los mejores chocolates belgas, por eso nos deleitan con todo el sabor el exquisito chocolate con leche, el irresistible chocolate negro o el delicado chocolate blanco. Las celebres galletas Jules Destrooper se elaboran con ingredientes 100% naturales - sin colorantes ni conservantes - y de la mejor calidad, como la mejor mantequilla cremosa de granja, huevos frescos, harina o azcar selecto, sus recetas familiares secretas y una larga tradicin de ms de 125 aos, hacen buena parte del resto, en el xito de unas exquisitas y delicadas galletas valoradas y reconocidas por paladares selectos, entre los que cabe destacar la casa real belga, de la cual son proveedores oficiales. Jules Destrooper
3,5 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
Galletas de mantequilla italianas. Se derriten en la boca. Las galletas se rellenan con mermelada de frambuesa o ganache de chocolate. Luego se sumerge en chocolate y se espolvorea. 1dozen.
1.381 €
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Galletas Florentinas de Avellanas y Arroz Crujiente recubiertas de Chocolate Elaboradas segn la receta original suiza, estas exquisitas florentinas baadas en tres variedades diferentes de refinado chocolatebelga - negro, blanco y con leche - nossorprenden con el delicioso toque crujiente, que les aporta el arroz, y,que, sin duda, convierten a estas galletas entoda una apreciada delicatessen. Las celebres galletas Jules Destrooper se elaboran con ingredientes 100% naturales - sin colorantes ni conservantes - y de la mejor calidad, como la mejor mantequilla cremosa de granja, huevos frescos, harina o azcar selecto, sus recetas familiares secretas y una larga tradicin de ms de 125 aos, hacen buena parte del resto, en el xito de unas exquisitas y delicadas galletas valoradas y reconocidas por paladares selectos, entre los que cabe destacar la casa real belga, de la cual son proveedores oficiales. Jules Destrooper
4,75 €
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Chocolate negro en trozos o virutas en bolsa de 250 gr marca Patisdecor, ideal para galletas y muffins... ¡Con pepitas, para darle un sabor máximo a tus dulces! Encontrarás en este chocolate toda la calidad del chocolate Callebaut
5,59 €
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Chocolate negro de cobertura Inaya en gotas o chispas, 1 kg. Cobertura de Barry: "Toda la pureza de la naturaleza". Chocolate 65 %. El embalaje de cartón dispone de una boquilla de suministro. Perfecto para el moldeado de chocolate, bombones, interiores de bizcochos, glaseado, ganache, mousse, galletas, sorbetes, helado...
19,89 €
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Chocolate con caramelo de cobertura en botones 250 gr de la marca Patisdecor. De color cálido, tiene un sabor a caramelo inimitable, que irá bien, por ejemplo, con una pizca de sal marina fina en sus recetas. Perfecto para bombones, interiores de bizcocho, glaseados, ganaches, mousses, galletas, sorbetes, helados...
6,90 €
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Dukan Galletas con Pepitas de Chocolate 18 Galletasson galletas de salvado de avena con chips de chocolate y edulcorantes.Las galletas se reducen a un -34% de grasa en comparación con las galletas de chocolate
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ALL CHOCOLATES ARE HAND PAINTED AND MADE TO ORDER. A SET OF 3, detailed and hand painted, Belgian chocolate motorbikes....great unusual edibles for biker fans. This set is one of my most popular...I think they are often purchased by women, relieved to find a relevant gift for those hard to buy for, men in their lives! Though still suitable gifts for women bikers too of course. NEW SIZE....NOW LARGER. Colours can be made to suit the recipient. I like to personalise my chocs with colours special to the recipient, and will always do my best! Each motorbike weighs approx 50g Approx 11cm x 5.5cm (approx 4.5inch x 2.5 inch) Individually wrapped and presented in a gift box with ribbon. I also have another set of motorbike chocolates in my shop, which are a more modern style of racing motorbike, (though smaller) if you wish to take a look here:- https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/386775810/chocolate-motorbikesmotorbike-racingmens?ga_search_query=motorbikes&ref=shop_items_search_2 There is also a MOTORBIKE CHOCOLATE BAR if you search for 'MOTORBIKE' WITHIN MY SHOP. PLEASE NOTE: Some paint colours used, may include E102, E104, E122, E124, E129 which are labelled for European Union use "May have adverse effect on activity and attention in children". Please contact me if you have any concerns relating to E numbers (food additives) contained in any particular item in my shop. Paint colours may temporarily stain teeth and mouth. SHOP FAQ's & USEFUL INFORMATION WHAT'S IN THE PAINTS? My paints are water (not alcohol) based and also contain, cornflour, emulsifier, soya lecithin, potassium sorbate, and citric acid. They are 100% edible, vegetarian friendly, nut free, kosher and halal... and are tested to the food standards required by European Union legislation. Paints are all used in small quantities, only painted on the front, outer surface, with the rest of the chocolate untouched. The taste is unaffected. HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST + STORAGE INFO All chocolates from my shop SHOULD BE KEPT WELL WRAPPED and in the FRIDGE. This protects the chocolate and the food paints. I send STORAGE and ALLERGEN details, and a BEST BEFORE date (generally 8 weeks from purchase), with each order. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A USE BY DATE. The chocolate is perfectly fine for longer, (up to 4 months), but I find it useful to give a best before date, to encourage the recipient to actually eat it! Yes, it's chocolate, but I guess because it is more unusual than standard chocolate gifts, the danger is.... it may be thought of as ' too special to eat' for a little too long! I generally ship and send my orders within 2 days of making them, so your chocolate will be at it's very best. CHOCOLATE INFORMATION & CARE PLEASE ALSO READ MY FAQ; 'HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST + STORAGE INFO' Chocolate is affected by moisture, light, temperature, and exposure to air, any of which can cause it to 'bloom', ie. the fat particles rise to the surface, and cause a white 'chocolate rash'. It can spoil the appearance of any unpainted chocolate, but it is still fine to eat. In my experience, paint covered chocolate is less likely to bloom,....but of course, it can still melt!! Handmade chocolate that is not produced and wrapped in factory conditions, will not last like a bar of Cadbury's! Exposure to paints, and air drying time, mean that my chocs should be kept well wrapped and refrigerated (when received), to protect the paints and be at their best. ALLERGEN/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN INFORMATION PLEASE ALSO READ MY OTHER FAQ; 'WHAT'S IN THE PAINTS?' I only use high quality, BELGIAN chocolate for ALL my chocolates, including all the miniatures. ALL MY CHOCOLATES ARE SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS AND ARE GLUTEN FREE, BUT ONLY MY PLAIN (DARK) CHOCOLATE IS SUITABLE FOR VEGANS. MY FOOD PAINT COLOURS are all VEGETARIAN FRIENDLY and GLUTEN FREE. The majority of colours are also VEGAN FRIENDLY, but can be checked on request. I have also made DAIRY FREE chocolate gifts, using my PLAIN DARK CHOCOLATE. I make several items containing peanut butter, so CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED AS 'NUT FREE', however I only use specific moulds for the peanut butter items, with the remainder used for solid chocolates. ITEMS MAY CONTAIN NUT TRACES. ARE ALL ITEMS 'MADE TO ORDER'? YES! I list all items as more than 1 in stock, as many customers wish to order more than one of the same item or chocolate set. The item will also disappear from my Etsy shop when it is sold, if I do not list more than one available. That's why I never show only one item in stock...because I am always able to make more!! PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK THE DESPATCH DATE (Also known as Shipping date or Posting date) SHOWN ON YOUR ORDER CONFIRMATION. I DO NOT sell 'off the shelf' items, therefore I have to mould, paint, dry and package each item, before they can make their way to you. ALL MY ORDERS ARE GIFT ORDERS! IT IS VITAL THAT YOU TAKE NOTE OF THE DESPATCH DATE.... AND THEN ALLOW FOR THE ESTIMATED SHIPPING TIMES, AS SHOWN TO YOUR COUNTRY!! ADVANCE ORDERS - CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL PERIODS PLEASE ALSO READ MY OTHER FAQ; 'HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST.' As I like to make and ship my chocs within 2-3 days, it's very hard for me to cope with a sudden surge of seasonal orders. I understand that you wish to receive your order with the longest shelf life, therefore I am happy to agree a mutually acceptable dispatch date, for orders purchased in advance. These orders will take priority when the seasonal rush begins, and I may need to close my shop to new orders. Sticking to agreed dispatch dates is very important to me, both from an organisational point of view, but also for the peace of mind of the customer. I am happy to suggest timescales for overseas delivery, but can never guarantee them. SHIPPING/POSTAGE INFORMATION PLEASE ALSO READ THE 'Estimated Delivery Times' SHOWN ON THE ITEM LISTING FOR YOUR COUNTRY. UK PARCELS are sent using Royal Mail 1st class service (delivery time of 1-2 days), which must be added to my processing times, which do vary. All items are MADE TO ORDER so I cannot routinely make and send in 1 or 2 days! INTERNATIONAL PARCELS - are sent using Royal Mail 1st class tracked service, or select a tracked + signed service (extra cost). I pack very carefully and note temperatures at the destination address, but unfortunately HEAT MELTS! PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE TEMPERATURES IN YOUR AREA WHEN ORDERING! Photos of broken items are required in order for me to make a claim with Royal Mail, who will require your details to verify the claim.
3.287 €
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España (Todas las ciudades)
ALL CHOCOLATES ARE HAND PAINTED AND MADE TO ORDER. A perfect novelty gift for any special lady in your life, who deserves jewellery or gems of the affordable, edible kind! This Belgian chocolate bar, is topped with hand painted white Belgian chocolate gemstones, in multi colours and shapes, which can be changed to suit your taste. A touch of 100% edible food glitter, is sprinkled over the bar to give an extra little sparkle. Great for wives, girlfriends, Mums, Nans, Grans or friends...Would even make a fun gift for a real life jeweller! This bar suits any age, and will amuse anyone from a youngster, to those of the older generation. I can also hand paint a name or message..eg....'You're a Gem!'...if you wish to personalise the gift. Available in milk, white or plain chocolate bars. All gems are made from white chocolate. Bar weighs approx 115g Bar measures approx 15cm x 7.5cm (6 inch x 3 inch) Wrapped and presented in a gift box with ribbon. PLEASE NOTE: Some paint colours used, may include E102, E104, E122, E124, E129 which are labelled for European Union use "May have adverse effect on activity and attention in children". Please contact me if you have any concerns relating to E numbers (food additives) contained in any particular item in my shop. Paint colours may temporarily stain teeth and mouth. SHOP FAQ's & USEFUL INFORMATION WHAT'S IN THE PAINTS? My paints are water (not alcohol) based and also contain, cornflour, emulsifier, soya lecithin, potassium sorbate, and citric acid. They are 100% edible, vegetarian friendly, nut free, kosher and halal... and are tested to the food standards required by European Union legislation. Paints are all used in small quantities, only painted on the front, outer surface, with the rest of the chocolate untouched. The taste is unaffected. HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST + STORAGE INFO All chocolates from my shop SHOULD BE KEPT WELL WRAPPED and in the FRIDGE. This protects the chocolate and the food paints. I send STORAGE and ALLERGEN details, and a BEST BEFORE date (generally 8 weeks from purchase), with each order. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A USE BY DATE. The chocolate is perfectly fine for longer, (up to 4 months), but I find it useful to give a best before date, to encourage the recipient to actually eat it! Yes, it's chocolate, but I guess because it is more unusual than standard chocolate gifts, the danger is.... it may be thought of as ' too special to eat' for a little too long! I generally ship and send my orders within 2 days of making them, so your chocolate will be at it's very best. CHOCOLATE INFORMATION & CARE PLEASE ALSO READ MY FAQ; 'HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST + STORAGE INFO' Chocolate is affected by moisture, light, temperature, and exposure to air, any of which can cause it to 'bloom', ie. the fat particles rise to the surface, and cause a white 'chocolate rash'. It can spoil the appearance of any unpainted chocolate, but it is still fine to eat. In my experience, paint covered chocolate is less likely to bloom,....but of course, it can still melt!! Handmade chocolate that is not produced and wrapped in factory conditions, will not last like a bar of Cadbury's! Exposure to paints, and air drying time, mean that my chocs should be kept well wrapped and refrigerated (when received), to protect the paints and be at their best. ALLERGEN/VEGAN/VEGETARIAN INFORMATION PLEASE ALSO READ MY OTHER FAQ; 'WHAT'S IN THE PAINTS?' I only use high quality, BELGIAN chocolate for ALL my chocolates, including all the miniatures. ALL MY CHOCOLATES ARE SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS AND ARE GLUTEN FREE, BUT ONLY MY PLAIN (DARK) CHOCOLATE IS SUITABLE FOR VEGANS. MY FOOD PAINT COLOURS are all VEGETARIAN FRIENDLY and GLUTEN FREE. The majority of colours are also VEGAN FRIENDLY, but can be checked on request. I have also made DAIRY FREE chocolate gifts, using my PLAIN DARK CHOCOLATE. I make several items containing peanut butter, so CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED AS 'NUT FREE', however I only use specific moulds for the peanut butter items, with the remainder used for solid chocolates. ITEMS MAY CONTAIN NUT TRACES. ARE ALL ITEMS 'MADE TO ORDER'? YES! I list all items as more than 1 in stock, as many customers wish to order more than one of the same item or chocolate set. The item will also disappear from my Etsy shop when it is sold, if I do not list more than one available. That's why I never show only one item in stock...because I am always able to make more!! PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK THE DESPATCH DATE (Also known as Shipping date or Posting date) SHOWN ON YOUR ORDER CONFIRMATION. I DO NOT sell 'off the shelf' items, therefore I have to mould, paint, dry and package each item, before they can make their way to you. ALL MY ORDERS ARE GIFT ORDERS! IT IS VITAL THAT YOU TAKE NOTE OF THE DESPATCH DATE.... AND THEN ALLOW FOR THE ESTIMATED SHIPPING TIMES, AS SHOWN TO YOUR COUNTRY!! ADVANCE ORDERS - CHRISTMAS & SEASONAL PERIODS PLEASE ALSO READ MY OTHER FAQ; 'HOW LONG DOES THE CHOCOLATE LAST.' As I like to make and ship my chocs within 2-3 days, it's very hard for me to cope with a sudden surge of seasonal orders. I understand that you wish to receive your order with the longest shelf life, therefore I am happy to agree a mutually acceptable dispatch date, for orders purchased in advance. These orders will take priority when the seasonal rush begins, and I may need to close my shop to new orders. Sticking to agreed dispatch dates is very important to me, both from an organisational point of view, but also for the peace of mind of the customer. I am happy to suggest timescales for overseas delivery, but can never guarantee them. SHIPPING/POSTAGE INFORMATION PLEASE ALSO READ THE 'Estimated Delivery Times' SHOWN ON THE ITEM LISTING FOR YOUR COUNTRY. UK PARCELS are sent using Royal Mail 1st class service (delivery time of 1-2 days), which must be added to my processing times, which do vary. All items are MADE TO ORDER so I cannot routinely make and send in 1 or 2 days! INTERNATIONAL PARCELS - are sent using Royal Mail 1st class tracked service, or select a tracked + signed service (extra cost). I pack very carefully and note temperatures at the destination address, but unfortunately HEAT MELTS! PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE TEMPERATURES IN YOUR AREA WHEN ORDERING! Photos of broken items are required in order for me to make a claim with Royal Mail, who will require your details to verify the claim.
2.987 €
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Cobertura de chocolate blanco en virutas, 250 g. Un chocolate blanco equilibrado entre la dulzura de la leche y el sabor azucarado. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco entre 15 y 2° C. Ideal para hacer moldes, revestimientos, ganaches, mousses, galletas, decoraciones, galletas. Embalaje fácil, practico para guardar chocolate.
6,90 €
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Cobertura de chocolate con leche y caramelo en virutas, 1 kg. Con un sabor a caramelo inimitable perfecto con una pizca de sal marina fina. Cerrar bien después de usar. Para moldeado de chocolate y bombones, confitería, glaseados, decoraciones de chocolate, ganaches, cremas, mousses, galletas, helados... Toda la calidad del chocolate Barry.
16,89 €
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