The steam

Listado the steam

  • the steam will automatically come out of the chimney when the train is movingbattery-powered: active the lights and movement by either pressing the red forward or backward button on the top of the enginelift out the black refill load from the cargo wagon and carefully fill it with water, inject the water into the engine via the filling chimney at the front and then youre ready to go againrealistic steam effects: this battery-powered engine produces safe-to-touch steam from its chimney as it speeds down the tracksonce youre out of water, you can easily refill the engine using the refill load thats being pulled behind the trainchug around your brio world railway with realistic steam effects in the battery-operated steaming trainpress either of the buttons again and the train will cbattery-operated steaming train made by briorequires 2 aaa batteries not includeditem number 33884


  • Supports the skinthe steam distillation process gives the oil a thinner consistency than the absolutedescriptionmyrrh essential oil the resin is wild harvest and then steam distilleda warm, slightly musty smellused for spiritual connection, and support during menstruation and for healthy airways


  • Please fasten the lipopen the socket stopper, insert the power cordopen the socket stopper, insert the power cordplease fasten the lipthe steam device is designed as a round cover, keeping the food freshplease put the cooked food into the rice container and the dishes containerplease put the cooked soup into the lunch box(2) when the food get from the fridge, the heating time should be extension appropriateswitch on the power, the power indicator light, plus soup beganswitch on the power, the power indicator light, plus soup began(note: heating time depends on the amount of rice, vegetables, and the indoor temperaturethe design of recycle heating in low power keeps the food warm and fresh(3) please pull out the power cord before eatingthe use of ptc heating elements is safer, more convenient and enery-saving)(1) heating food just need 25 minutes on the condition of 25 degrees centigrade(1) heating food just need 25 minutes on the condition of 25 degrees centigradedual-function for heating and warm keepingheating soup1convenient and practical with crisper container designusing high temperature resistant environmental materialsspecification:material plasticcolor pink / orange / blueweight 750gsize 22 x 15 xfeature:- stylish and fashionable appearance, without odor and helthy


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