Original flower essences

Listado original flower essences

  • Cosmética sets y packs original flower essences rescue crema 30 gr rescue remedy cream es especialmente beneficioso para traumas y afecciones externas, como golpes, erupciones, quemaduras químicas, hematomas, cortaduras, esguinces, piel seca, sarpullido, quemaduras, cortes, etc
    contacte solo telefónicamente: 932 20 06 33rescue remedy cream se puede usar en casos de emergencia, si el remedio de rescate no está disponible, la crema se puede aplicar en la muñeca, el cuello, el tobillo u otras áreas con piel fina


  • Descriptionaustralian bush flower essences bauhinia can help you to embrace these new ideas, become more open minded and learn to be more accepting of those around you


  • Descriptiona combination of profoundly cleansing and clearing essential oils, botanicals, cleansing herbs and australian bush flower essencesspace clearing essence mist encourages a feeling that you are in a sacred and harmonious environment


  • Descriptionreputed to help you hear, see and feel communication from the other side, the essences opens you up to communication and guidance enabling you to make the transition of passing over from the physical plane into the spiritual world, peacefully and at ease


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