
Listado boundless

  • This family of adventurers is right at home flying high or driving fasttheir amazing feats are boundless with your imagination! with unique personalities, stunt team members live to enjoy maximum fun in their signature vehicles, or with any other creation you makesay hello to the newest collection from tegu: stunt teamif theres a speed record around, daredevils broken itthis set includes 12 wooden magnetic blockscollect them all, and soar, jump, speed, or loop into your next play adventure with tegu stunt team!dardevil, magnetic wooden building blocks made by teguare you ready to build a finely-tuned racecar thats primed to let loose? with four magnetic wheels and dozens of possible block creations, this brave stunter never shies away from a challenge! ready to rev-up the fun and race all day, daredevil believes life is best lived to the limit


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